XIty Trial Shows 11:11 Temporal Attunement Boosts Intuition

  • Feb 11, 2024

  • Written by: David Small

  • 1 min read

  • 158 words

XIty Trial Shows 11:11 Temporal Attunement Boosts Intuition

In a pilot study, researchers at RealBig's XIty Incorporated found that participants instructed to consciously attune their thoughts during the 11:11am/pm temporal window exhibited starkly elevated precognitive awareness and unconscious predictive abilities.

"There appear to be significant psycho-harmonic resonances humans can tap into by aligning their cerebral cycles with isotropic inflection points in the dimensional tides of the space-time continuum," said Dr. Michael Simmons, the study's lead analyst.

During the four-week trial, two cohorts of volunteers were tasked with recording their highest-clarity hunches and predictive gut feelings, one group repeatedly doing so at 11:11, and the control group at randomized times.

According to XIty, those in the 11:11 cohort accurately anticipated future events and outcomes at a statistically significant 73% higher rate versus the control. Physiological monitoring also detected brainwave frequency shifts indicative of increased temporal sensitivity and precognitive synergies.

XIty plans larger-scale research into these chronopsychological effects, which they believe could elevate human decision-making and foresight capabilities.